A quick update.

In a couple of days, we expect to be ensconced at the Costa Rica Yacht Club, with WiFi, showers, and a pool; we’ll be able to upload all of the fabulous photos we took along the coast, while luxuriating at a level we haven’t seen since Shelter Bay.

In the meantime, we’re enjoying a couple more nights on the hook, exploring beaches and islands up the Bay of Nicoya. The tsunami warnings from the earthquake in Mexico were not for our area; the worst weather we’ve seen has been a couple of evening thunderstorms. We’ve been obsessively following the storms in the Carribean, worrying about friends, but all is calm in Costa Rica.

Michu’s mom is coming for a visit in a little over a week, so pretty soon we’ll have to spring into action and clean up the boat. We’re all looking forward to some actual clean laundry. For the moment, though, we’ll live out a couple of days of relaxation.

Michu tells me that someday we’ll be anchored in a place without a morning wake-up from howler monkeys. I refuse to believe it.

4 Comments on “A quick update.

  1. Just enjoy. Je crois que c’est l’un de mes plus beaux souvenirs à vie… me réveiller avec le cri des singes hurleurs, en attendant le lever du soleil, tout en allaitant FLorane… ça doit être vraiment extraordinaire d’y être en voilier!! On voudrait y être avec vous! Un beau bonjour à toute la famille. Deb, I know that you will understand my French!! Xxx

    • Oui, c’est bien jolie, mais–the water pump under the galley sink is breaking, so tomorrow we head back to civilization before all of the fresh water ends up in the bilge. Nous allons revenir aux isles isoles en trois semaines!

    • Oui, c’est bien jolie, mais–the water pump under the galley sink is breaking, so tomorrow we head back to civilization before all of the fresh water ends up in the bilge. Nous allons revenir aux isles isoles en trois semaines!

  2. I miss Howler monkeys, but they do wake early. And if they’re up, they don’t mind being as loud as they want to be. The first night we stayed in a jungle bungalow in Costa Rica, if someone hadn’t told me the night before to be prepared for Howlers I would have packed my stuff and left immediately! They were pounding on our roof at 4am and making the most eerie spooky howls, I would have ran out screaming and pulling my hair had I not known.
    I can’t wait to see your pictures! Fair winds!

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