Soft landing

We’re working slowly towards reentry over here.

The last month has been a continuing whirlwind of visits–to family and friends, from Colorado to Minnesota.


The Colorado Contingent

We lucked out in Denver; Michu’s brother was visiting for his son’s lacrosse tournament, so we got to spend time with them and learn about the crazy-town sport of lacrosse. Did you know it’s totally legit to pummel your opponent with your lacrosse stick? We also had friends in town for an art fair, plus family, plus friends who are like family.DSC_1679

In between visits, we found time to do a little hiking and camping at the Crags, outside of Colorado Springs.DSC_0060

1,000-year-old tree
1,000-year-old bristlecone pine

Burn restrictions were such that we weren’t even allowed to light a camp stove “outside.” We rigged up a stove in the van, kept the doors and windows open, and hoped to avoid both a ticket and asphyxiation. This was the official point where we decided we were sick of living in a van.

Fortunately, Minnesota was the end of the line for van life. Although we’re still using it as a gear containment unit, we’ve been sleeping indoors for almost a month on beds and couches and aerobeds of family. We’ve been doing all the summer things: lake visits, grilling out, corn hole tournaments. Everything seems a little off, though; we’re anxious to be settled, and ready to have our own home base.

Peak Minnesota.
Peak Minnesota.
Action shot at the corn hole tournament
Action shot at the corn hole tournament
Serious mini-gold analysis
Serious mini-golf analysis


Michu checks out a jet ski for the first time...
Michu checks out a jet ski for the first time…
...closely followed by similar land-based shenanigans.
…closely followed by similar land-based shenanigans.

There’s much that we can’t do yet, however. We won’t have an official address until mid-August, which may well disqualify us from voting in the upcoming primaries here in Madison; Michu’s job, while enthusiastically hiring him back (yea!), won’t be able to work through all the necessary paperwork for a bit; we can’t finalize the kids’ school stuff until mid-August. It actually looks like our move-in date, school registration, and final boat sale paperwork will all happen on the same day, so hopefully Michu can schedule a day-long orientation or something on top of it.

Meanwhile, we’re dipping out toes back into Madison. A few nuts-and-bolts things to check off–another vehicle, music lessons for the kids–but mostly hanging out with old friends. We’ve done a couple of excellent drop-by surprise visits that included actual double-takes–very rewarding. It’ll be a while before we’re up to speed, but that’s probably just as well; we move pretty slowly these days, and there’s only so much we can get done when the lure of beers on the porch beckons.DSC_0085

3 Comments on “Soft landing

  1. Well you guys have to go through what I call the decompression cycle . Every time I went somwhere for a long time it took me a while to readjust to the new surroudings. Welcome back to reallity . You have such a wonderful ensaclopidia a beautiful memories you will treasure it for ever. BIG HUG Uncle Hector

  2. Hello my queridos!
    Now it is I on the international scene. Have been in Ireland, mostly on the Western side with a tour group of known friends, known guide. We have been focusing on ancient sacred sites and Irish music. The weather has been decent mostly, but the waterproof raincoat and boots have proven handy also.
    Have taken far too many pictures of sheep and cows.
    The woolen here are exquisite. Old castles and monastic Ruins…craftsmanship standards are high. Stained glass, some carving; elegant simple food. My friend Joyce and i have had a couple of days after the tour to unwind and change pace. Saw Gledalough monastic ruins today and ancient huge canopies of trees.
    Driving on the Left- hand side can be tricky.
    Thinking of you often with your gradually-ish re-entry.
    How are Misha and his wife doing with Medford?
    Love to you, if hugs,
    Aunt Bee

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