Pack it up, pack it in

I’ve always backtracked through new-to-me blogs, to find the parts about prep. Maybe obviously, since that’s where we are in our lives…but I find it more fascinating that the actual travel sections of blogs, because that prepping part must be The Most Exciting, right? How can you not write at length about sifting through the wheat and chaff of your life, checking off the boxes of bureaucracy, getting everything into straight and even rows before casting off? How is that not fascinating?

Uhm. Not. Not fascinating. Seriously, seriously boring.

Empty (-ish)
Empty (-ish)

We have friends leaving for sabbatical to New Zealand this week; they’ll be gone for six months, and have rented out their house. At the sledding hill, we were commiserating about our desire to just GET EVERYTHING PACKED AWAY ALREADY, versus the reality that, no, you actually need all of those shoes for your life, right up until the minute that you don’t. We’re trying to sort through and pack up as much as possible in advance around here, because we know that May will be a whirl of chaos focused around the boat, and everything we can do NOW on the home front will save us time then. But it is really the least interesting thing in the world.

Full (-er)
Full (-er)

When I do look through other blogs of folks packing up, I feel lucky about our circumstances. We’ll be keeping our house; we own a duplex, with a large walk-up attic, so we don’t have to get rid of all our furniture or rent a storage space. Our apartment is small–just over 1100 square feet for the four of us–so we haven’t been physically able to accumulate all that much. We’ve got a big old basement for staging our boat gear. And since we’ve been thinking about this trip for years, we’ve curtailed our purchases as a family, to both save money and fight clutter.



But we’ve been in this home for over 13 years, and had two kids along the way, so yeah–there’s a lot of stuff. Most of it can’t be packed up or gotten rid of until the end of May. And the remainder is not interesting or fun or exciting to sort through.

Last winter for views like this out of the window...for a while, at least.
Last winter for views like this out of the window…for a while, at least.

One Comment on “Pack it up, pack it in

  1. My blog has been woefully neglected as we sort through things and begin the ‘waiting’ before the real flurry of activity. Yes, I have yet to figure out a way to make cleaning our garage out for the 100th time interesting to anyone. Even me.

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